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Collected Scientific Papers of Meghnad Saha Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, New Delhi 1969

(List of Scientific Papers, co-authors and reference)  
On Maxwell's Stresses: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 33, 256, 1917 1
On the Limit of Interference in the Fabry-Perot Interferometer: Phys. Rev.10, 782, 1917 3
On a New Theorem in Elasticity: Jour. Asia. soc. Bengal, New Sr. 14, 421, 1918 5
On the Pressure of Light (with S. Chakraborty): Jour. Asia. Soc. Bengal, New Sr. 14, 425, 1918 6
On the Dynamics of the Electron: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 36, 76, 1918 9
On the Influence of the Finite Volume of Molecules on the Equation of State (with S. N. Bose): Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 36, 199, 1918 14
On the Mechanical and Electro-dynamical Properties of the Electron: Phys. Rev.13, 34, 1919; Phys. Rev.13, 238, 1919 15
On Radiation Pressure and the Quantum Theory, A Preliminary Note: Astro Phys. Jour.50, 220, 1919 21
On the Fundamental Law of Electrical Action: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 37, 347, 1919 23
On Selective Radiation Pressure and the Radiative Equilibrium of the Solar Atmosphere: Jour. Dept. Science, Calcutta University, 2, (Physics), 51, 1920 33
Note on the Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 40, 159, 1920 37
Ionisation in the Solar Chromosphere: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 40, 472, 1920 38
Elements in the Sun: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 40, 809, 1920 45
On the Problem of Nova Aquila III: Jour. Astr. Soc. Ind.10, 36, 1920 51
On the Problems of Temperature Radiation of Gases (Paper C): Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 41, 267, 1921 53
The Atomic Radius and the Ionization Potential: Nature, 107, 682, 1921 58
On a Physical Theory of Stellar Spectra: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.A99, 135, 1921 59
Versuch einer Theorie der physikalischen Erscheinungen bei hohen Temperaturen mit Anwendungen auf die Astrophysik: Zeit. f. Phys.6, 40, 1921 69
The Stationary H and K-lines of Calcium in Stellar Atmospheres: Natue107, 488, 1921 77
On the Ionization of Gases by Heat (with P. Gunther): Jour. Dept. Sci., Cal. Univ.4, 97, 1922 78
On the Temperature Ionization of Elements of the Higher Groups in the Periodic Classification: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 44, 1128, 1922 82
On the Physical Properties of Elements at High Temperatures: Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 46, 534, 1923 87
On Continuous Radiation from the Sun: Nature, 112, 282, 1923 91
On an Experimental Test of Thermal Ionization of Elements (with N. K. Sur): Jour. Ind. Chem. Soc.1, 9, 1924 92
On an Active Modification of Nitrogen (with N.K. Sur): Phil. Mag., Sr. VI, 48, 421, 1924 95
The Pressure in the Reversing Layer of Stars and Origin of Continuous Radiation from the Sun: Nature, 114, 155, 1924 98
Ionization in Stellar Atmospheres and Steric Factor: Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. Soc.85, 977, 1925 100
Influence of Radiation on Ionisation Equilibrium (with R. K. Sur): Nature115, 377, 1925 101
The Phase Rule and its Application to Problems of Luminescence and Ionization of Gases: Jour. Ind. Chem. Soc.2, 49, 1925 102
The Spectrum of Si+ (once Ionized Silicon): Nature116, 644, 1925 106
On the Absolute Value of Entropy (with R. K. Sur): Phil. Mag. Sr. VII, 1, 279, 1926 106
On Entropy of Radiation II (with R. K. Sur): Phil. Mag. Sr. VII, 1, 890, 1926 110
On the Influence of Radiation on Ionization Equilibrium (with R. K. Sur): Phil. Mag., Sr. VII, 1, 1025, 1926 112
Nitrogen in the Sun: Nature, 117, 268, 1926 116
Uber einen experimentellen Nachweis der thermischen Ionizierung der Elemente (with N. K. Sur & K. Majumder): Zeit. F. Phys., 40, 648, 1927 117
Uber das Mainsmith-Stonersche Schema des Aufbaus der Atome (with B. B. Ray): Physik Zeitschr., 28, 221, 1927 118
Uber ein neues schema fur den Atomaufbau: Physik Zeitschr., 28, 469, 1927 121
On the detailed Explanation of Spectra of the Metals of the Second Group: Phil. Mag., Sr. VII, 3, 1265, 1927 125
On the Explanation of Spectra of Metals of Group II, Part II (with P. K. Kichlu): Phil. Mag., Sr. VII, 4, 193, 1927 130
A Note on the Spectrum of Neon:  Phil. Mag., Sr. VII, 4, 223, 1927 136
On the Explanation of Complicated Spectra of Elements: Estratto dagli Atti del congresso Internazionale dei Fisici como-Settembre 1927 (V)       140
Extension of the Irregular Doublet Law to complex Spectra (with P. K. Kichlu): (a) Ind. Jour. Phys., 2, 319, 1928; (b) Nature, 121, 244, 1928 158
The Origin of the Nebulium Spectrum: Nature, 121, 418, 1928 173
The Origin of the Spectrum of the Solar Corona: Nature, 121, 671, 1928 175
Negatively Modified Scattering (with D. S. Kothari and G. R. Toshniwal): Nature,122, 398, 1928 177
On the Method of Horizontal Comparison in the Location of Spectra of elements (with K. Majumder): Ind. Jour. Phys., 3, 67, 1929 178
On New Methods in Statistical Mechanics (with R. C. Majumder): Phil. Mag., Sr. VII, 9, 584, 1930 182
Colours of Inorganic Salt: Nature,125, 163, 1930 184
Uber die Verteilung der Intensitat unter die Feinstrukturkomponenten der Serienlinien der Wasserstoffs und des ionisierten Heliums nach der Dircschen Elektronentheorie (with A. C. Banerji): Zeits. f. Phys.,68, 704, 1931 185
The spin of the photon (with Y. Bhargava): Nature,128, 817, 1931 192
On the Colours of Inorganic salts (with S. C. Deb): Bull. Acad. Sci. U.P.,1, 1, 1931 193
On the Absorption Spectra of Saturated Halides of Multivalent Elements (with A. K. Dutta): Bull. Acad. Sci., U.P., 1, 19, 1931 196
On the Interpretation of X-ray Term Values (with R. S. Sharma): Bull. Acad. Sci., U. P.,1, 119, 1931 199
Complex X-ray Characteristic Spectra (with S. Bhargava and J. B. Mukherjee): Nature, 129, 435, 1932 205
On the Beta-ray Activity of Radioactive Bodies (with D. S. Kothari): Bull. Acad. Sci., Allahabad, 5, 257, 1934 206
A Suggested Explanation of Beta-ray Activity (with D. S. Kothari): (a) Nature, 132, 747, 1933; (b) Nature133, 99, 1934 212
Inner Conversion in X-rary Spectra (with J. B. Mukherjee): Nature, 133, 377, 1934 214
The Upper Atmosphere: Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.1, 217, 1935 215
Spectra of Comets: Sci. & Cult., 1, 476, 1936 228
Can Electrons Enter the Nucleus: Sci. & Cult., 2, 273, 1936 229
The Origin of Mass in Neutrons and Protons: Ind. Jour. Phys., 10, 141, 1936 230
A Critical Review of the Present Theories of the Active Modification of Nitrogen (with L. S. Mathur): Proc. Nat. Acad, Sci. Ind., 6, 120, 1936 235
A New Model Demountable Vacuum Furnace (with A. N. Tandon): Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Ind., 6, 212, 1936 238
A Stratosphere Solar Observatory:Harvard College Observatory Bulletin, 905, 1937 240
Experimental Determination of the Electron Affinity of Chlorine (With A.N.Tandon): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.3, 287, 1937 243
Molecules in Interstellar Space: Nature,139, 840, 1937 248
On Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves through the Atmosphere ( With R.N.Rai): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind., 3, 359, 1937 249
On the Action of Ultraviolet Sunlight Upon the Upper Atmosphere: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.A160, 155, 1937 254
On the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves through the Earth�s Atmosphere (Paper  I) (With R. N. Rai & K. B. Mathur): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.4, 53, 1938 263
On the Ionization of the Upper Atmosphere (With R. N. Rai): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.4, 319, 1938 269
The Propagation and the Total Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere (With K. B. Mathur): Ind. Jour. Phys.13, 251, 1939 278
On the Structure of Atomic Nuclei (with S. C. Sirkar & K. C. Mukherjee): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.6, 45, 1940 283
On a Physical Theory of the Solar Corona: Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.8, 99, 1942 293
Capture of Electrons by Positive Ions while passing through Gases (With D. Basu): Ind. Jour. Phys.19, 121, 1945 307
Wave Treatment of Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere (with B. K. Banerjee): Ind. Jour. Phys.19,159,1945 315
A Physical Theory of the Solar Corona: Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond.57, 271, 1945 319
On Nuclear Energetic and Beta Activity (With A. K. Saha): Trans. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.2, 193, 1946 329
On Nuclear Energetic and Beta Activity (With A. K. Saha): Nature158, 6, 1946 349
Condition of Escape of Radio-Frequency energy From the Sun and The Stars: Nature158, 549, 1946 354
Origin of Radio-Waves from the Sun and the Stars: Nature158, 717, 1946 355
Measurement of Geological Time In India: The Age of Rocks and Minerals (With B. D. Nagchaudhuri): Trans. Nat. Inst. Ind.2, 273, 1947 358
On the Propagation of Electromagnetic waves through the Upper Atmosphere (with B. K. Banerjee and U. C. Guha): Ind. Jour. Phys., 21, 181, 1947 368
On the Conditions of Escape of Microwaves of Radio-frequency Range from the Sun (with B. K. Banerjee and U. C. Guha): Ind. Jour. Phys., 21, 199, 1947 377
Notes on Dirac�s Theory of Magnetic Poles: Phys.  Rev.95, 1968, 1949 388
Vertical Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere (With B. K. Banerjee and U. C. Guha): Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. Ind.17, 205, 1951 389
Occurrence of Stripped Nuclei of Neon In Primary Cosmic Rays:  Nature167, 476, 1951 401
Determination of the Electron Concentration and the Collision Frequency in the Ionosphere Layers of the O and X Waves: Proc. Mixed Commission on the Ionosphere, Brussels, 211, 1954 403
On Electron Chemistry and its Application to Problems of Radiation and Astrophysics: Jour. Astro. Soc. Ind.10, 72, 1921 406


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