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Foreign Travel Norms  :


A �funded visit� will include economic class excursion fare as per Govt. of India rules, registration fee, DA (as per Govt. of India guidelines rules), visa fee, and insurance.  DA to be paid will not normally exceed 7 days.  This has been suggested assuming a five day conference (which is generally the case) + two additional days.


a)  Submission or acceptance of a paper for a conference / workshop would not by itself be a justification for sponsoring participation in a conference.  The papers to be presented should be evaluated for quality.  The ability of the candidate should also be taken into account.


b)  In cases involving faculty members who receive invitations by name for presentation of papers, for chairing sessions, for giving keynote addresses, etc. in international conferences / symposia / workshops / schools and who have good recent academic standing, one SINP �funded visit� in a period of two years may be taken as guideline.


c)  In cases involving faculty members who have an accepted oral / poster presentation in a recognized international conference / symposium /workshop and who have good recent academic standing, one SINP �funded visit� in a period of three years may be taken as guideline.


d)  It should be ensured that a scientist can participate with support from not more that two agencies, provided his / her attendance can be considered worthwhile.


e)  The absence of Scientists from the institute for participating in International conferences / symposia / workshops / schools should be treated as duty ( as per Govt. of India rules ).


Other suggestions  :


A)  Modifications of the present application form  :


The suggested modification is attached


B) About Foreign Travel Committee  :


It is desirable to have the Foreign Travel Committee to be enlarged appropriately to take care of all areas as far as possible.  This will also help in evaluating the merit of the application.



C) A few general observation  :


i)  Attempts should be made to computerize all information and decision.  This will help in deciding a particular case subsequently.


ii)  If a person is sanctioned (or utilizes) a small amount (say Rs. 10000/-) for covering partial expenses in the recent past,  his / her application should be given due consideration in the near future.


iii)  Research Fellows / Research Associates who have a good publication / performance record at SINP may also be considered once during their stay at SINP.


iv)  Efforts should be made to increase appropriately the foreign travel fund from the present amount (which is less than 30 lakhs) per year.  This would help meet the expenses due to the first two guidelines as well as the above item.


v)  Regarding the choice of carrier, rules as framed by the Govt. of India will be followed.






Foreign Travel Support Application Form


1)         Name  :


2)         Designation  :


3)         Division  :                                             Group  :                        I.D. No.  :


4)         Details of the proposed visit (Please enclose a copy of the abstract and the letter of acceptance)




Nature of presentation



Invited / Oral / Poster






5)         Any other purpose of visiting abroad other than the visit mentioned in item (4)


6)         Details of the financial support obtained from the institute within last three years :



Name of conf./ workshop / school

Reason for attending (Invited / Oral / poster)




Amount of money sanctioned

Amount of money spent








7)         Break up of the support (in Rs.) asked from the Institute for the proposed visit  :






Registration fee









8)         Information of any other financial support from other agencies for the proposed visit.


9)         List of publications in the last three years clearly specifying which ones are relevant to the applied conference / symposium / workshop.


10)       Any other relevant information  :


A)        Recommendation of the H.O.D. / H.O.S.


B)        Observation / Recommendation of the Foreign Travel Committee  :



Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 19:16
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