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Internal Complaints Committee (Women Cell), SINP

Srl Name Portfolio Extension E-mail
1 Prof. M. Nandy Presiding Officer 1213 / 1216 maitreyee.nandy
2 Prof. Partha Saha, Head, Group A Member 1314 partha.saha
3 Prof. Nayana Majumdar, ANP Division Member 3425 nayana.majumdar
4 Prof. Oishee Chakrabarti, BP&SG Division Member  4622 oishee.chakrabarti
5 Wg Cdr R Jamal Nasir (Retd) Member 1417 jamal.nasir
6 Ms. Paramita Pal Member 2854  paramita.pal
7 Dr. Sarmistha Bhattacharyya, SO, VECC External Member   sarmi[at]
8 Smt. Nirupama Halder Union Representative 1446 nirupama.halder
Smt. Mahuya Dutta
Union Representative
10 Dr. Manlunching, SIRD Convener 3205 / 3206 manlun.ching
As per Office Order No. SINP/R.O./O.O./2024/18 dated April 23,2024 issued by Registrar, SINP and the letter to Director, SINP from SINPEU, dated 24.06.2024

Guidelines on the scope of the committee and for dealing with sexual harassment in workplace

logo-ncw Helpline Number for Women by
National Commission for Women (NCW):

Dedicated round the clock (24x7)
Helpline number for women in distress (set up by NCW) - 7827170170
The website for the helpline - 



Last Updated on Friday, 26 July 2024 16:51
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