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A leading autonomous Institution under the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India, conducting basic research in frontiers of Physical and Biophysical Sciences

The Ph.D. Programme of SINP starts with a full year of pre-Ph.D. course work called Post-M.Sc.(PMSc).

The PMSc course in Physics was launched way back in 1953 by Professor Meghnad Saha's initiative. The purpose was to educate the highly motivated students for research in Nuclear Science. In subsequent years, the scope of the course was widened to embrace other areas of Physics. The duration of the course, which was 9 months in the beginning, was soon extended to a full year. In 1973, a similar course was launched in Biophysical sciences. An identical course in Radiological Physics was launched in 1988 which ran for four years.

From the session of 1993-94 the PMSc course has become an integral part of the doctoral work in SINP, that is only after successfully completing the course a student is allowed to carry out doctoral work in the Institute.

The course work commences from August and runs through three terms: First term (August-December), second (January-April) and third term (May-July). Each student has to pass all courses and is required to take up a project work in May on a topic (preferably) related to his/her own doctoral work. The project work continues till July.

The PMSc programme is coordinated by SIRD (Scientific Information and Resource Division), a Division of SINP.


Last Updated on Monday, 28 January 2019 11:06
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