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Photon Factory
Indian Beamline at Photon Factory, Japan  Photon Factory, Tsukuba, Japan
Implemented by Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore.

Funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India

Submit Proposals

Updated : 21-08-2017

Indian scientists who are interested to make use of this facility are required to submit scientific proposals which will be evaluated by an expert committee in India and subsequently beamtime will be allotted depending on the scientific merit of the proposal and availability of beamtime.

For each accepted proposal, a maximum of two users will be supported for traveling to Indian Beamline, Photon Factory and living expenses from the project fund. There will be two deadlines for receiving the proposals in a year, viz., 15th June and 15th December

[a]   One page bio-data of the Principal Investigator (PI) who will submit the proposal should be attached with the proposal.

[b]   Proposals need to be submitted in the prescribed format by sending e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject line "Proposal for Indian Beamline by ................... ", where the name of the PI should be included.

[c]   Proposals need not to be signed during the initial submission for the scientific evaluation process but one signed copy need to be submitted once it is accepted after review.

[d]   Proposals reaching before the deadline will only be considered for the current term, while those reaching after the deadline will be considered for next term only.

1     Proposals will be evaluated at National level

2     After safety clearance from KEK, selected PIs will be intimated

3     Selected PIs will be asked to submit personal information of two persons for issuing visa invitation from Indian Beamline Office at KEK. These should be endorsed by the institute to which PI belongs to.

4     Original hard copy of the proposal in prescribed format signed by the head of the institute or relevant authorized person need to be submitted for getting the financial sanction letter from SINP. Financial sanction letter will be issued to the PI only after getting the signed proposal at SINP. Once the financial sanction letter mentioning the name of the visitors to Indian Beamline for experiment has been issued the names of the visitors cannot be changed under any circumstances.

The scanned copy of the proposals can be mailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the original signed proposal can be sent to the following address

The Principal Investigator,
Indian Beamline at Photon Factory,
Surface Physics & Material Science Division,
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics,
1/AF, Bidhannagar,
Kolkata 700064.

For more details, please go through the document Necessary Procedures for your visit to PF, KEK.

5     The visitors should register themselves at KEK portal.

6     Receive the visa invitation letter from Indian beamline office at KEK

7     For travel and DA support, please contact Mr. Pavan K R at JNCASR, Bengaluru
       email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8     A sentence to be included in each publication acknowledging the Indian Beamline with a sentence "Authors thank the Department of Science and Technology, India for the financial support, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India for facilitating the experiments at the Indian Beamline, Photon Factory, KEK, Japan". A copy of the paper should be sent to JNCASR, Bangalore and KEK for archiving.



Last Updated on Monday, 21 August 2017 15:43
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