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The EU-IndiaGrid Initiative


In the future, e-Science will involve large-scale science in key areas through distributed global collaborations, requiring powerful computing resources, access to large amounts of data and information stored in dedicated databases, as well as high performance visualisation back to individual scientists. Grid technology brings all these elements together, helping to make this vision for e-Science a reality by enabling flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions and resources across geographical boundaries. EU-IndiaGrid will make available a common, interoperable Grid infrastructure to the European and Indian Scientific Communities, in order to support existing EU-Indian collaborations in eScience and promoting new ones. In line with the support goals of the Research Infrastructures activity area of the European Union Sixth Framework Programme, EU-IndiaGrid will hence enable the interconnection between the most relevant European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructure, GARUDA INDIA. The partners of this project are prominent actors on the European and Indian e-Infrastructures scene. 

EU-IndiaGrid Mission Statement & Objectives


Why Grid?


In the future, e-Science will involve large-scale science in key areas through distributed global collaborations, requiring powerful computing resources, access to large amounts of data and information stored in dedicated databases, as well as high performance visualisation back to individual scientists. Grid technology brings all these elements together, helping to make this vision for e-Science a reality by enabling flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions and resources across geographical boundaries.


Why EU-IndiaGrid?


The EC-funded EU-IndiaGrid is building a networked e-Science Community between Europe and India by developing a common Grid infrastructure to support data processing for scientific application areas: Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Biology, High Energy Physics, and Material Science. To achieve this goal, EU-IndiaGrid supports interconnectivity between the European Grid infrastructure, EGEE, and the Indian Grid infrastructures, (Garuda India Grid - and Department of Atomic Energy Grid), delivering an advanced infrastructure for scientific and industrial collaborations across Europe and India, and mobilising a hardware infrastructure of about 1200 core processors and 50 TB of disk for the benefit of EU-India Grid applications. The project is actively engaged in identifying new applications for science and business.

This 2-year Project started on 1 October 2006 with a kick-off meeting (18-20 October 2006, Trieste, Italy) and ends 30 September 2008. Read more )


Last Updated on Monday, 04 January 2016 13:32
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