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Applied Nuclear Physics

Simulation of radiation detectors

Our members have successfully implemented the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to solve for potential and flux field in a non-dissipative system. Owing to the analytic formulation, the solver can provide nominally exact results and thus has been termed as nearly exact BEM. The solver has been applied to study the physical as well as weighting field configurations of a diverse group of detectors that includes a few wire chambers, TPC, RPC and several new generation micro-pattern gaseous detectors (MPGD) such as Micro-Wire, Micro MEGAS, THGEM etc. The neBEM has been optimized as a toolkit to be interfaced with an existing simulation software GARFIELD which performs a detailed simulation of the overall dynamics of a gaseous detector. A new model for N-body simulation, named Particle on Surface (ParSur), for simulating the space charge evolution in gaseous detectors has been proposed using the fundamentals of neBEM formulation. The preliminary calculation for a simplistic model has produced promising results in comparison to the standard approach, namely particle-in-cell (PIC), used for simulating similar physical phenomena in several areas of science. The activities in numerical simulations are, naturally, very closely related to experimental activities carried out within the division and outside.


Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 18:37
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