Title : |
Topological Defects in Beyond the Standard Models, Gravitational Waves and Pulsar Timing Data |
Speaker | : | Rinku Maji , IBS Daejeon, South Korea |
Date | : | January 16, 2025 |
Time | : | 3:30 PM |
Venue | : | Seminar Room 363C |
Abstract | : |
Topological defects such as monopoles, cosmic strings, domain walls, and various composite structures can be produced during phase transitions in the early universe in Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories. Composite structures such as monopoles connected by strings and walls bounded by strings (WBS) can be formed in BSM theories, such as the grand unified theories (GUTs), depending on the symmetry-breaking patterns. We will discuss the formation of a network of `quasi-stable' strings (QSS) in the former case. The gravitational radiation emitted in the early universe by QSS with a dimensionless string tension $Gmusim 10^{-6}$, is compatible with the exciting evidence of low-frequency (nanoHertz) gravitational background in PTA data, as well as the recent LIGO-VIRGO constraints, provided the superheavy strings and monopoles experience a certain amount of inflation. Finally, we discuss an SO(10) model where a dimension five operator induces kinetic mixing between the abelian subgroups at the unification scale. We discuss gauge coupling unification and proton decay in this model, as well as the appearance of superheavy quasi-stable strings, which can explain the PTA data. |