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Recent Seminar

Title              :

QCD phase diagram in the presence of an external magnetic field

Speaker         : Chowdhury Aminul Islam , Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Date                : December 19, 2024
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : Seminar Room 363C
Abstract        :

The existence of a strong magnetic field (eB) in heavy ion
collisions (HIC) is established through different experiments like
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and Large Hadron Collider. A strong
magnetic field is also supposed to exist in a dense object like a
magnetar. Thus, understanding quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which is
essential to understand HICs and neutron stars, in the presence of a
magnetic field is of great importance. In this talk, I will discuss the
QCD phase diagram in the temperature (T) - magnetic field (T-eB) plane
using effective models. I will specifically focus on the effects of
magnetic catalysis (MC) and inverse MC (IMC). I will elaborate on how such
properties can help fix model parameters. The role played by the pion mass
in getting the IMC effect will also be demonstrated. Finally, I discuss
how the phase diagram modifies if the QCD matter behaves as a nonextensive



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