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Past Seminar

Title              :

Murmuring of the fabric of our Universe

Speaker         : A. Gopakumar , TIFR, Mumbai
Date                : October 03, 2023
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : LH-1
Abstract        :

Very recent independent and coordinated investigations by the
established Pulsar Timing Array collaborations strongly indicate that the
universe is humming with gravitational radiation-a very low-frequency
rumble that rhythmically stretches and compresses spacetime and the matter
embedded in it. For these International Pulsar Timing Array-endorsed 3P+
efforts, the European and Indian Pulsar Timing Array consortia, namely
EPTA and InPTA, pooled together their resources that included combining
EPTA's second data release and InPTA's first data release. These efforts
allowed us to probe and characterize the contributions of instrumental
noise and interstellar propagation effects that are present in the various
combinations of our pulsar data sets. The resulting detailed
investigations reveal strong evidence for the presence of a stochastic
gravitational wave background. I will share the excitement of our InPTA
collaboration  which is an Indo-Japanese effort that employs niche
abilities of India's upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT).
Possible future directions that should be exciting to both astronomers and
physicists will be listed.



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