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Past Seminar

Title              :

A de Sitter anecdote: Can sub-leading corrections be consistently ignored?

Speaker         : Dibya Chakraborty, Ashoka University
Date                : August 24, 2023
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : Room 3307
Abstract        :

In this talk, I will discuss various string-loop, warping, and curvature
corrections, which are expected to appear in type IIB moduli stabilization scenarios.
It has recently been a topic of active debate whether these corrections can be
as well as simultaneously ignored for concrete de Sitter constructions. We study this
question in the presence of a new weakly-warped LVS de Sitter vacua, which represents
a distinctive branch in the parameter space, featuring small conifold fluxes. We have
found that the warping corrections are less problematic and few corrections help us
to land in this regime of parameter space. I will end my talk with a detailed
of how to avoid these corrections, if at all possible, in order to not destroy the
consistency of the weakly-warped LVS de Sitter solution.


1. De Sitter vacua -- when are `subleading corrections' really subleading?
Bruno Valeixo Bento, Dibya Chakraborty, Susha Parameswaran, Ivonne Zavala.
e-Print:2306.07332 [hep-th]

2.  A new de Sitter solution with a weakly warped deformed conifold,
Bruno Valeixo Bento, Dibya Chakraborty, Susha Parameswaran, Ivonne Zavala.
Published in: JHEP 12 (2021) 124



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