Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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Past Seminar

Title              :

Entanglement generation and dynamical transition for driven quantum integrable systems.

Speaker         : Krishnendu Sengupta, IACS
Date                : August 21, 2017
Time               : 3:30 PM
Venue            : Room 3307
Abstract        :

In this talk, we shall discuss the generation of entanglement entropy S of a closed quantum system driven periodically with frequency w and for n drive cycles. We show that such a drive may be used to generate states for which th scaling of S lies between an area and a volume law. We provide a qualitative criterion for the change in nature of S which constitutes a generalization of Hastings\' theorem to driven integrable systems. We also find that S and any correlation function of such a driven system decay to their steady state values as (w/n)^[(d+2)/2] for fast and (w/n)^[d/2] for slow drives; these two dynamical phases are separated by a transition associated with the change in topology of the spectrum of the system\'s Floquet Hamiltonian. We show that these dynamical phases show re-entrant behavior as a function of w for d = 1 (and a class of d = 2) models, provide a detailed phase diagram of the system, and discuss experiments which can test our theory.



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