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Condensed matter Physics (Experiment)

Heavy ion detector array

At the beam energy range that is available from the present and the upcoming accelerators in India, heavy ion collision leads to several reactions like fusion, fission, direct and deep inelastic reactions and fragmentation. These reactions lead to many interesting research problems, which are so far beyond the reach of nuclear scientists of our country. The debris produced in such nuclear reactions contain a wide spectra of nuclei from very heavy transuranium nuclei right down to protons, neutrons and gamma rays produced over a wide range of kinetic energy, excitation energy and angular momenta. In order to detect and characterize these products for a detailed look at the above phenomena, a large detector array MEGHNAD is under construction at SINP. The detector array with solid angle coverage of approx 66% of 4p consists of 30 nos. of heavy ion detector modules, each module containing one two-dimensional position sensitive multi wire proportional counter, one Bragg curve ionization chamber and CsI(Tl) charged particle detector. The detector modules, designed to form a soccerball-like structure, are housed inside a frame which, when covered by the detector modules, forms a vacuum enclosure.The five hexagonal detector modules in the forward cone are further segmented into six sub-modules to handle large counting rates. Specifications of the detector modules and their performance in in-beam tests are given below along with some photographs of their assembly.


Hexagonal Detector Module

       Angular span of each module ~ 300(except for the forward cone where angular span is ~ 170)
       Solid angles: Hexagonal = 0.3 sr Pentagonal = 0.2 sr
       Height of beam line from floor = 1.4  1.8 m
  Multi wire proportional counter (MWPC)

Position grids (X & Y):  40 mm gold plated tungsten wires 1.5 mm spacing.  
Anode grid: 15 mm gold plated tungsten wires 1 mm spacing. 
Cathode grids: 40 mm wire 1 mm spacing. 
Detector gas: Isobutane or P-10. 
Position readout by charge division or delay line method. 
Angular resolution: < 0.20 (for both q, f).

Inner grids of MWPC

Inside of MWPC
2D Position Spectrum of MWPC

Bragg curve spectroscopy (BCS) ionization chamber (IC):

Length of active gas volume: 270 mm

Detector gas: Isobutane, P-10 or tetrafluorocarbon

Charge resolution: ~ 3% (for Z ~ 3 � 10)
Energy resolution : 1.5 - 2%

BCS IC Spectrum (E vs Z) for 20Ne + 118Sn 
reactions at 10 MeV/U


Inside view of BCS IC

CsI(Tl) detector:

Crystal thickness: 12.5 mm (except at the forward cone where thickness is 20 mm)
Particle identification method: Pulse integration by fast and slow gate (for Z < 3)
E (CsI) � DE(IC) (for Z > 3)
Expected charge resolution: 1 � 2% 
Measured detection efficiency for heavy ions : ~90% 


CsI(Tl) Spectrum [E(CsI) vs DE(IC)] for 20Ne + 118Sn reaction at 10 MeV/U

Further details of the array can be found at:
Pramana � J. Phys. 57, 149 (2001)



Last Updated on Friday, 11 April 2014 18:45
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