Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India
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ODOS (One DAE One Subscription) Journal - 2024: Nature (access from the year 2012 onwards)


Nature Aging

Nature Astronomy

Nature Biomedical Engineering

Nature Biotechnology

Nature Cancer

Nature Cardiovascular Research

Nature Catalysis

Nature Cell Biology

Nature Chemical Biology

Nature Chemical Engineering

Nature Chemistry

Nature Cities

Nature Climate Change

Nature Computational Science

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Nature Electronics

Nature Energy

Nature Food

Nature Genetics

Nature Geoscience

Nature Human Behaviour

Nature Immunology

Nature Machine Intelligence

Nature Materials

Nature Medicine

Nature Mental Health

Nature Metabolism

Nature Methods

Nature Microbiology

Nature Nanotechnology

Nature Neuroscience

Nature Photonics

Nature Physics

Nature Plants

Nature Protocols

Nature Reviews Bioengineering

Nature Reviews Cancer

Nature Reviews Cardiology

Nature Reviews Chemistry

Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

Nature Reviews Disease Primers

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering

Nature Reviews Endocrinology

Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Nature Reviews Genetics

Nature Reviews Immunology

Nature Reviews Materials

Nature Reviews Methods Primers

Nature Reviews Microbiology

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

Nature Reviews Nephrology

Nature Reviews Neurology

Nature Reviews Neuroscience

Nature Reviews Physics

Nature Reviews Psychology

Nature Reviews Rheumatology

Nature Reviews Urology

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Nature Sustainability

Nature Synthesis

Nature Water

Scientific American


Last Updated on Monday, 20 May 2024 12:57
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