Publication List of Prof. Satyajit Hazra
S/N Title Authors Journal IF (2023) Vol Page Year Citation
1 Gel to glass conversion in cobalt silicate system S. Hazra, A. Ghosh and D. Chakravorty J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 0.70 13 589 1994 2
2 Glass formation in the PbO-Fe2O3 system with high PbO content S. Mandal, S. Hazra and A. Ghosh J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 0.70 13 1054 1994 25
3 Structure and properties of nonconventional glasses in the binary bismuth cuprate system S. Hazra and A. Ghosh Phys. Rev. B 3.20 51 851 1995 108
4 Structural studies of binary iron vanadate glass S. Mandal, S. Hazra, D. Das and A. Ghosh J. Non-Cryst. Solids 3.20 183 315 1995 41
5 Structural properties of unconventional lead cuprate glass S. Hazra and A. Ghosh J. Mater. Res. 2.70 10 2374 1995 37
6 Transport properties of nonconventional lead cuprate glass S. Hazra and A. Ghosh J. Chem. Phys. 3.10 103 6270 1995 11
7 Electrical properties of sol-gel derived semiconducting cobalt silicate gel-glass S. Hazra, A. Ghosh and D. Chakravorty Solid State Commun. 2.10 96 507 1995 6
8 Classical hopping in sol-gel cobalt silicate glass S. Hazra, A. Ghosh and D. Chakravorty J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2.30 8 10279 1996 6
9 Hopping conduction in unconventional lead cuprate glass S. Hazra and A. Ghosh Phil. Mag. B 1.30 74 235 1996 14
10 Transport mechanism in nonconventional bismuth cuprate glass S. Hazra, S. Mandal and A. Ghosh J. Chem. Phys. 3.10 104 10041 1996 18
11 Ac relaxation mechanism in some cuprate glasses S. Hazra and A. Ghosh Phys. Rev. B 3.20 55 6278 1997 10
12 Ac conductivity of unconventional bismuth cuprate glass S. Hazra and A. Ghosh J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2.30 9 3981 1997 19
13 Properties of unconventional lithium bismuthate glasses S. Hazra, S. Mandal and A. Ghosh Phys. Rev. B 3.20 56 8021 1997 141
14 Multiphonon hopping transport in Bi2CuO4 single crystal A. Ghosh and S. Hazra Solid State Commun. 2.10 106 677 1998 6
15 Electrical relaxation mechanism in unconventional bismuth cuprate glasses S. Hazra and A. Ghosh J. Appl. Phys. 2.70 84 987 1998 5
16 Extraction of density profile for near perfect multilayers M. K. Sanyal, S. Hazra, J. K. Basu and A. Datta Phys. Rev. B 3.20 58 R4258 1998 40
17 Morphology of thin silver film grown by dc sputtering on Si(001) S. Kundu, S. Hazra, S. Banerjee, M. K. Sanyal, S. K. Mandal, S. Chaudhuri and A. K. Pal J. Phys. D 3.10 31 L73 1998 89
18 Growth mechanism of Langmuir-Blodgett films J. K. Basu, S. Hazra and M. K. Sanyal Phys. Rev. Lett. 8.10 82 4675 1999 62
19 X-ray reflectivity and diffuse scattering A. Gibaud and S. Hazra Curr. Sci. 1.10 78 1467 2000 129
20 Morphology of nanocermet thin films: x-ray scattering study S. Hazra, A. Gibaud, A. Desert, C. Sella and A. Naudon Physica B 2.80 283 97 2000 22
21 X-ray scattering studies of imperfect manganese stearate Langmuir-Blodgett films S. Hazra, A. Gibaud, A. Desert, V. Gacem and N. Cowlam Physica B 2.80 283 45 2000 10
22 Dependence of matrix and substrate on the morphology of nanocermet thin films S. Hazra, A. Gibaud, P. Laffez and C. Sella Eur. Phys. J. B 1.60 14 363 2000 6
23 Structural and physical properties of Fe2O3-doped iron vanadate glass S. Mandal and S. Hazra J. Mater. Res. 2.70 15 218 2000 4
24 Influence of substrate roughness on the layering of particles in nanocermet thin films S. Hazra, A. Gibaud and C. Sella J. Phys. D 3.10 34 1575 2001 5
25 Scanning probe microscopy and x-ray studies of confined metal films S. Hazra, S. Pal, S. Kundu and M. K. Sanyal Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 182 244 2001 8
26 Particle layering in the ceramic-metal thin film Pt-Al2O3 A. Gibaud, S. Hazra, C. Sella, P. Laffez, A. Desert, A. Naudon and G. Van Tendeloo Phys. Rev. B 3.20 63 193407 2001 28
27 Structural and magnetic properties of evaporated nanostructured Fe/V multilayers N. H. Duc, L. Lechevallier, A. Fnidiki, T. M. Danh, A. Gibaud, S. Hazra and K. Hricovini J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 1.10 2 183 2002 0
28 Morphology of nanostructured materials M. K. Sanyal, A. Datta and S. Hazra Pure Appl. Chem. 2.00 74 1553 2002 41
29 Tunable absorption of Au-Al2O3 nanocermet thin films and its morphology S. Hazra, A. Gibaud and C. Sella Appl. Phys. Lett. 3.50 85 395 2004 31
30 Morphology and transport properties of nanostructural gold on silicon S. Pal, M. K. Sanyal, S. Hazra, S. Kundu, F. Schreiber, J. Pflaum, E. Barrena, .. J. Appl. Phys. 2.20 95 1430 2004 9
31 Ripple structure of crystalline layers in ion-beam-induced Si wafers S. Hazra, T. K. Chini, M. K. Sanyal, J. Grenzer and U. Pietsch Phys. Rev. B 3.20 70 121307 (R) 2004 92
32 Density profiles and electrical properties of thermally-grown oxide nanofilms on p-type 6H-SiC(0001) S. Hazra, S. Chakraborty and P. T. Lai Appl. Phys. Lett. 3.50 85 5580 2004 7
33 Manipulating headgroups in Langmuir-Blodgett films through subphase pH variation S. Kundu, A. Datta and S. Hazra Chem. Phys. Lett. 2.80 405 282 2005 25
34 Effect of metal ions on monolayer collapses S. Kundu, A. Datta and S. Hazra Langmuir 3.70 21 5894 2005 79
35 Growth of a collapsing Langmuir monolayer S. Kundu, A. Datta and S. Hazra Phys. Rev. E 2.20 73 051608 2006 39
36 Micro-structural anisotropy at the ion-induced rippled amorphous-crystalline interface of silicon S. Grigorian, U. Pietsch, J. Grenzer, D. P. Datta, T. K. Chini, S. Hazra & M. K. Sanyal Appl. Phys. Lett. 3.50 89 231915 2006 9
37 Morphology and structure of gold-lithium niobate thin film: A laboratory source X-ray scattering study S. Hazra Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 253 2154 2006 14
38 Interfacial role in room-temperature diffusion of Au into Si substrates J. K. Bal and S. Hazra Phys. Rev. B 3.20 75 205411 2007 49
39 Role of ceramic matrix and Au-fraction on the morphology and optical properties of co-sputtered Au-ceramic thin films S. Hazra, A. Gibaud and C. Sella J. Appl. Phys. 2.70 101 113532 2007 9
40 High-temperature induced nano-crystal formation in ion beam-induced amorphous silicon ripples J. Grenzer, A. Mucklich, S. Grigorian, U. Pietsch, D. P. Datta, T. K. Chini, S. Hazra and M. K. Sanyal Phys. Stat. Sol. A 1.90 204 2555 2007 2
41 Enhanced surface diffusion in forming ion-beam-induced nanopatterns on Si(001) R. Banerjee, S. Hazra and M. K. Sanyal J. Phys. D 3.10 41 055306 2008 1
42 Relaxation of bi-molecular layer film on water surface S. Kundu, A. Datta and S. Hazra Langmuir 3.70 24 9386 2008 5
43 Atmospheric pressure induced atomic diffusion into solid crystal J. K. Bal and S. Hazra Phys. Rev. B 3.20 79 155405 2009 11
44 Time-evolution growth of Ag nanolayers on differently-passivated Si(001) surfaces J. K. Bal and S. Hazra Phys. Rev. B 3.20 79 155412 2009 32
45 Nanopattern formation in self-assembled monolayers of thiol-capped Au nanocrystals R. Banerjee, S. Hazra, S. Banerjee and M. K. Sanyal Phys. Rev. E 2.20 80 056204 2009 16
46 Growth and stability of Langmuir-Blodgett films on OH-, H-, or Br-terminated Si(001) J. K. Bal, S. Kundu and S. Hazra Phys. Rev. B 3.20 81 045404 2010 32
47 Evolution of interdiffused Gaussian-shape nanolayer in Au-Si(111) system at ambient condition J. K. Bal and S. Hazra Defect Diffus. Forum   297- 301 1133 2010 3
48 Correlation between local structure and refractive index of e-beam evaporated (HfO2-SiO2) composite thin films N. C. Das, N. K. Sahoo, D. Bhattacharyya, S. Thakur, N. M. Kamble, D. Nanda,
S. Hazra, J. K. Bal, ..
J. Appl. Phys. 2.70 108 023515 2010 22
49 Hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition of HF-treated Si surface during Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition J. K. Bal, S. Kundu and S. Hazra Chem. Phys. Lett. 2.80 500 90 2010 33
50 Modifications of local structures of Gd2O3 on incorporation of SiO2 N. C. Das, N. K. Sahoo, D. Bhattacharyya, S. Thakur, D. Nanda, S. Hazra, J. K. Bal, .. J. Appl. Phys. 2.70 110 063527 2011 8
51 Role of metal ions of Langmuir-Blodgett film in hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition of HF-treated Si surface J. K. Bal, S. Kundu and S. Hazra Mater. Chem. Phys. 4.30 134 549 2012 7
52 Role of metal ions in growth and stability of Langmuir-Blodgett films on homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces J. K. Bal, S. Kundu and S. Hazra Eur. Phys. J. E 1.80 35 79 2012 5
53 Hydrophilic-like wettability of Cl-passivated Ge(001) surface J. K. Bal, S. Kundu and S. Hazra Chem. Phys. 2.00 406 72 2012 5
54 Substrate and drying effect in shape and ordering of micelles inside CTAB-silica mesostructured films P. Chatterjee, S. Hazra and H. Amenitsch Soft Matter 2.90 8 2956 2012 23
55 The hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature of a Cl-terminated Si surface P. Chatterjee and S. Hazra Soft Matter 2.90 9 9799 2013 9
56 Time evolution of a Cl-terminated Si surface at ambient conditions P. Chatterjee and S. Hazra J. Phys. Chem. C 3.30 118 11350 2014 17
57 Poor solvent and thermal annealing induced ordered crystallites in poly(3-dodecylthiophene) films I. Roy and S. Hazra RSC Adv. 3.90 5 665 2015 21
58 Solvent dependent ordering of poly(3-dodecylthiophene) in thin films I. Roy and S. Hazra Soft Matter 2.90 11 3724 2015 11
59 pH-dependent size and structural transition in P123 micelle induced gold nanoparticles P. Chatterjee and S. Hazra RSC Adv. 3.90 5 69765 2015 6
60 Growth of thiol-coated Au-nanoparticle Langmuir monolayers through a 2D-network of disk-like islands M. Mukhopadhyay and S. Hazra RSC Adv. 3.90 6 12326 2016 10
61 Structures of spin-coated and annealed monolayer and multilayer poly(3-dodecylthiophene) thin films I. Roy and S. Hazra RSC Adv. 3.90 7 2563 2017 10
62 Variation of surface area of silica monoliths by controlling ionic character/chain length of surfactants and polymers M. Sharma, P. Jain, A. Mishra, A. Mehta, D. Choudhury, S. Hazra and S. Basu Mater. Lett. 2.70 194 213 2017 15
63 Effective removal of metal ions from aqueous solution by mesoporous MnO2 and TiO2 monoliths: Kinetic and equilibrium modelling M. Sharma, D. Choudhury, S. Hazra and S. Basu J. Alloy. Compd. 5.80 720 221 2017 32
64 Kinetic and isotherm studies on adsorption of toxic pollutants using porous ZnO@SiO2 monolith M. Sharma, S. Hazra and S. Basu J. Colloid Interface Sci. 9.40 504 669 2017 55
65 Synthesis of heterogeneous Ag-Cu bimetallic monolith with different mass ratios and their performances for catalysis and antibacterial activity M. Sharma, S. Hazra and S. Basu Adv. Powder Technol. 4.20 28 3085 2017 26
66 Remediation of heavy metal ions using hierarchically porous carbon monolith synthesized via nanocasting method M. Sharma, J. Singh, S. Hazra and S. Basu J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 7.40 6 2829 2018 12
67 Interfacial and thermal energy driven growth and evolution of Langmuir-Schaefer monolayers of Au-nanoparticles M. Mukhopadhyay and S. Hazra Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2.90 20 1051 2018 7
68 Chitosan-lipid interaction mediated growth of Langmuir monolayer and Langmuir-Blodgett films I. Ahmed, .. M. Mukhopadhyay, S. Hazra, .. and J. K. Bal J. Colloid Interface Sci. 9.40 514 433 2018 31
69 Adsorption of heavy metal ions by mesoporous ZnO and TiO2@ZnO monoliths: adsorption and kinetic studies M. Sharma, J. Singh, S. Hazra and S. Basu Microchem. J. 4.90 145 105 2019 118
70 Evolution of ligand-capped nanoparticle multilayers toward a near unique thickness M. Mukhopadhyay and S. Hazra Soft Matter 2.90 15 1869 2019 3
71 Near 5% DMSO is the best: A structural investigation of PEDOT:PSS thin films with strong emphasis on surface and interface for hybrid solar cell S. Mahato, J. Puigdollers, C. Voz, M. Mukhopadhyay, M. Mukherjee and S. Hazra Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 449 143967 2020 65
72 Dewetting and interdiffusion mediated evolution of Cu nanolayer/Si(001) interface J. K. Bal and S. Hazra Nano-Struct. Nano-Objects   24 100570 2020 3
73 Tuning the edge-on oriented ordering of solution-aged poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films M. Saifuddin, M. Mukhopadhyay, A. Biswas, L. Gigli, J. R. Plaisier and S. Hazra J. Mater. Chem. C 5.70 8 8804 2020 14
74 Evolution of electronic structures of polar phthalocyanine-substrate interfaces S. Mandal, M. Mukherjee and S. Hazra ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8.30 12 45564 2020 16
75 Design of π-conjugated flexible semiconductive 2D MOF and MOF derived CuO nano-spheres for solvent free C-X (S, O) hetero-coupling catalysis with enhanced conductivity M. Patra, S. K. Dubey, B. Mondal, K. Gupta, A. Ghosh, S. Mandal, S. Hazra, A. K. Meikap, U. K. Roy, S. Bhattacharjee and R. Saha Nano-Struct. Nano-Objects   26 100756 2021 7
76 Stearic acid mediated growth of edge-on oriented bilayer poly(3-hexylthiophene) Langmuir films S. Roy, M. Saifuddin, S. Mandal and S. Hazra J. Colloid Interface Sci. 9.40 606 1153 2022 10
77 Vibronic states and edge-on oriented π-stacking in poly(3-alkylthiophene) thin films M. Saifuddin, S. Roy, S. Mandal and S. Hazra ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 4.40 4 1377 2022 11
78 Nonmonotonic magnetic field dependence of remnant ferroelectric polarization in reduced graphene oxide-BiFeO3 nanocomposite T. Chatterjee, A. Mukherjee, P. Pal, S. Kaushik, V. Siruguri, S. Mandal, S. Hazra, S. Bhattacharjee, C. K. Ghosh and D. Bhattacharya Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2.50 16 2200077 2022 3
79 Hole-injection barrier across the intermolecular interaction mediated interfacial DNTT layer S. Mandal, S. Roy, M. Saifuddin and S. Hazra Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 597 153696 2022 5
80 Nanoparticle mediated improved crystallinity and connectivity of semiconducting polymer thin films M. Saifuddin, A. Biswas S. Roy, S. Mandal and S. Hazra ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 4.40 5 3359 2023 1
81 Alteration and interrogation of ultra-thin layer of silicon by reactive molecular ion implantation J. Mukherjee, S. Bhowmick, S. Karmakar, D. Bhowmik, B. Satpati, S. Hazra and P. Karmakar Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 637 157837 2023 2
82 Improved exciton bandwidth and edge-on oriented ordering of donor-acceptor copolymer thin films S. Roy, M. Saifuddin, S. Mandal, J. R. Plaisier and S. Hazra Macromolecules 5.10 56 7065 2023 1
83 Molecular dipole layer and alkyl side-chain induced improvement in the energy level alignment and wetting of dinaphthothienothiophene thin films S. Mandal, S. Jana, S. Roy, M. Saifuddin and S. Hazra J. Phys. Chem. C 3.30 127 18176 2023 2
84 Sputter-cleaning modified interfacial energetic and molecular structure of DNTT thin film on ITO substrate S. Jana, S. Mandal, S. Roy, M. Saifuddin and S. Hazra Appl. Surf. Sci. 6.30 652 159368 2024 2
85 Investigation of spitting effect in the boron target preparation using vapour deposition R. Mondal Saha, K. Banerjee, A. Banerjee, N. Gayathri, G. Pramanik, S. T. Salammal, V. Agrawal, B. Satpati, S. Jana and S. Hazra Vacuum 3.80 230 113642 2024  
Total Publication : 85
Average Publication : 2.7
Total Citation : 1986
Average Citation : 24
Total Impact Factor : 300
Average Impact Factor : 3.6
h-index 25
m-index 0.8
Updated: Jan 2025