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# Manipulating headgroups in Langmuir-Blodgett films through subphase pH variation S Kundu, A Datta, S Hazra Chem Phys Lett 405 282 ###
25 Unveiling texture and topography of fatty acid Langmuir films: Domain stability and isotherm analysis E Bergendal .. Langmuir 40 10468 2024
24 The effect of nanobubbles on Langmuir-Blodgett films A W Foudas, .. J Colliod Interface Sci 669 327 2024
23 Overview on structural properties of ultra thin film of soft matter R Hoque .. J Critical Rev 7 12231 2023
22 Organic thin films: Langmuir monolayers and multilayers S Kundu Recent Advances in Thin Films   345 2020
21 Pb arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett coatings of silicon wafers: relation between Pb particle density and subphase composition S A Klimova, .. Colloid Polymer Sci 296 771 2018
20 Order and melting stability of calcium arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers prepared at different pH A Beier-Hannweg, .. Thin Solid Film 642 1 2017
19 Cation-induced monolayer collapse at lower surface pressure follows specific headgroup percolation K Das, B K Sah, S Kundu Phys Rev E 95 022804 2017
18 Subphase pH induced monolayer to multilayer collapse of fatty acid salt Langmuir monolayer at lower surface pressure K Das, S Kundu Colliods Surf A 492 54 2016
17 Effect of pH on the control of molecular orientation in monolayer of bent-core liquid crystal materials by Langmuir-Blodgett method R Kaur, .. Liquid Crystals 42 8 2015
16 Molecular packing of metal-organic Langmuir-Blodgett films on differently passivated Si(001) surfaces J K Bal, S Kundu J Nanosci Nanotech 15 5280 2015
15 Templating sub-10 nm atomic layer deposited oxide nanostructures on graphene via one-dimensional organic self-assembled monolayers J M P Alaboson, .. Nano Lett 13 5763 2013
14 Surface correlation behaviors of metal-organic Langmuir-Blodgett films on differently passivated Si(001) surfaces J K Bal, S Kundu J Appl Phys 113 114905 2013
13 Crystalline growth of Rubrene film enhanced by vertical ordering in cadmium arachidate multilayer substrate C H Wang, .. Langmuir 29 3957 2013
12 Role of metal ions in growth and stability of Langmuir-Blodgett films on homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces J K Bal, S Kundu, S Hazra Eur Phys J E 35 79 2012
11 Langmuir-Blodgett deposition selects carboxylate headgroup coordination S Mukherjee, A Datta Phys Rev E 84 041601 2011
10 Crossover from layering to island formation in Langmuir-Blodgett growth: Role of long-range intermolecular forces S Mukherjee, A Datta Phys Rev E 83 041604 2011
9 Effect of water and air-water interface on the structural modification of Ni-arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett films S Kundu, A K Raychaudhuri J Colliod Interface Sci 353 316 2011
8 Hydrophobic to hydrophilic transition of HF-treated Si surface during Langmuir-Blodgett film deposition J K Bal, S Kundu, S Hazra Chem Phys Lett 500 90 2010
7 Growth and stability of langmuir-blodgett films on OH-, H-, or Br-terminated Si(001) J K Bal, S Kundu, S Hazra Phys Rev B 81 045404 2010
6 Chemistry at air/water interface versus reaction in a flask: Tuning molecular conformation in thin films S Mukherjee, A Datta, A Giglia, .. Langmuir 25 3519 2009
5 Langmuir-Blodgett film from a bi-molecular layer at air-water interface S Kundu Colliods Surf A 317 618 2008
4 Relating structure with morphology: A comparative study of perfect Langmuir-Blodgett multilayers S Mukherjee, A Datta, A Giglia, .. Chem Phys Lett 451 80 2008
3 Ultrafast electron crystallography. 2. Surface adsorbates of crystalline fatty acids and phospholipids M T Seidel, S Chen, A H Zewail J Phys Chem C 111 4920 2007
2 Fatty-acid monolayers and metal ions: First step towards a new look S Kundu, A Datta Colliods Surf A 289 250 2006
1 Effect of metal ions on monolayer collapses S Kundu, A Datta, S Hazra Langmuir 21 5894 2005