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The Sixth J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Allan H MacDonald , Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair Professor, Dept of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, USA on "Quantum Hall Superfluids" on 5th April, 2011. The Fifth Ramanujan Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, will be delivered by Prof. Masuo Suzuki, Professor of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, on "Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Statistical Mechanics" on 25th November, 2010. The Fifth J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Klaus von Klitzing , Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany on "The Quantum Leap from Micro- to Nanoelectronics" on 2nd November, 2010. The Fourth J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Sidney R. Nagel,Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago, USA on "Jamming and the Emergence of Rigidity" on 8th March, 2010. The Fourth Ramanujan Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Anthony J. Leggett, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois, USA on "Superfluid 3-He: The early days as seen by a theorist [Nobel Lecture 2003] " on 29th January, 2010. The Third J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Anthony J. Leggett, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Physics, University of Illinois, USA on "Bell's theorem, entanglement, quantum teleportation, and all that" on 28th January, 2010. The Third Ramanujan Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Peter A. Markowich, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK, and Professor of Applied Analysis,Faculty of Mathematics University of Vienna, Austria on "Reaction-Diffusion (-Convection) Equations, Entropies and Sobolev Inequalities" on 10th March, 2009. The Second Ramanujan Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Sir Michael Berry, Royal Society Research Professor of the University of Bristol, UK on "The music of the primes: quantum mechanics, chaos and the Riemann zeros" on 27th January, 2009. The Second J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Gabriel Aeppli, Quain Professor of Physics and the Director of the London Centre for Nanotechnology, UK on "Interdisciplinarity continued from semiconductor physics to pharmaceutical assays" on 5th February, 2009. The First Ramanujan Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. H. Nishimori of the Tokyo Inst. Tech., Tokyo, on "Spin Glasses and Information" on 9th January, 2007. The First J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture of the CAMCS, SINP, was delivered by Prof. Jainendra Jain of the Penn. State Univ, Pensylvania, on "Lessons of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect for Outsiders" on 3rd December, 2007. |