Our Tours in Canada

A week later, on 3rd November we departed State College for Canada. We planned this tour once in the September but due to the terrorist attack in the US, we had to cancel that. So, at last we decided to go for it in November. In 7 hours we completed our one way journey to Waterloo, Canada comfortably. We crossed the border of Pennsylvania and the state of New York. We saw the sky line of Buffalo city. On the way we took our lunch in Buffalo, New York. Marvellous road side views overwhelmed us. Ontario "The sparkling Water" is the most wonderful place to visit. It's the largest province in Canada. The highways in Canada are my nightmares because the drivers are rough and drive very fast. They even don't bother about the speed limits. On the contrary, the condition of the roads is any driver's dream. They are so smooth that any one would like to drive a car like an aeroplane. Waterloo, where we stayed in Canada, is situated in the Ontario province. It's bigger and more densely populated than the State College. We were staying just 2 minutes away from the shopping mall and the downtown. We walked to the downtown each and everyday and tried foods in some of the best restaurants there. The townhouse provided by Amit's Institute was quite big for two of us and furnished elegantly. We stayed for 8 days and enjoyed living there.

The Niagara falls

The next day (Sunday), we went to visit the Niagara Falls from the Canadian side and the experience was spectacular. That might not be expressed by any words. At the beginning, the day was windy and gloomy . At reaching the city of Niagara, we saw the famous Sheraton Hotel and its adjacent Casino by the falls. Then we passed them and went to the Butterfly Conservatory. Thousands of different species of butterflies, colorful and of all different sizes were flying as we walked through the indoor gardens. We were spellbound watching them! They were not at all disturbed by the human presence as flying from one flower to another. We took several pictures but the moments of joy cannot be seen through them. We came out of the dream and stopped at the Niagara floral clock. That huge clock is made by different kinds of seasonal flowers and leaves. It's said to be the largest of its kind. Then we visited Sir Adam Beck's power project on the Niagara river. The biggest power project I have ever seen. Then we reached at one of the best attractions of the Niagara Falls, that is the Spanish Aero Car tour spot. A metallic car like our rope-ways is moving from one mountain to another over the Niagara river and lake Ontario. The 30 minutes tour with breathtaking natural views, lovely cold wind and the overall atmosphere near the falls made that the experience of our lifetime. Then we drove our car to the base of Skylon tower. It is nearly 800 ft. high from the falls. We went to the top using a glass elevator. While reaching to the top, view of the falls through the glass window was wonderful. From the tower the city line is great and the falls view is the best at daytime. We were totally absorbed into the beauty of Niagara. The Canadian horseshoe falls is much bigger than I thought of it beforehand. Amit took good pictures of the falls as well as its surroundings. Then we came down, took our lunch in an Italian restaurant and went again near the falls to view them from the ground level. We took few pictures of the falls in the afternoon before the sunset. The water was glowing like gold! We were very happy on the way back to Waterloo.

The Toronto City

One day later, we started our Toronto trip early in the morning. It's one hour journey from Waterloo. The city is big enough to choke me in astonishment. We viewed the beautiful skyline from the highway itself and the big sky scrappers too. We passed the famous CN tower to go to the down town. The high rise buildings are covering the blue sky within the city. We saw the busiest downtown and the beautiful city hall. We took picture of the tower. Then we returned home after our work in the visa office.

The Niagara At Night

On the next weekend, November 10, we left Waterloo after lunch and stopped at the Niagara again on our way back home to State College. We spent the night in a lodge before the long drive to USA on the next morning. So, at night we walked through the downtown of the Niagara city and visited all the famous tourist spots. But the first and foremost attraction was the illuminated Niagara falls at night. The different colored lights were dancing on the water. Hundreds of people were watching that awesome show. We also watched that for an hour, took some unforgettable pictures and then returned to the lodge. We again started on the next morning and entered USA through the Rainbow bridge.

Aquarium of Niagara,USA

We stopped at the Aquarium of Niagara, USA. We planned to see penguin feeding and the famous sea-lion show. We saw Atlantic seals in a pool outside. One of those were a blind female who was rescued after being injured in the wild. Then we saw the African penguins and their feeding. We watched five sea lions playing in a big pool. Then the most awaited sea lion show began. A young trainer was playing with two female sea lions. One of them danced with the music, played with a red ball, passed through the ring and jumped into the water. They were even talking to the trainer! We were moved by their marvellous performances. After the show, we started for our return journey. We took lunch at the MacDonald and then reached our sweet home before dark.

More Pictures of The Niagara

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