Our USA Tours in 2002

Washington DC

In 2002 summer, our first trip was in Washington DC and the University of Maryland. Amit had a friend in the University of Maryland who was also doing his post doctoral fellowship there. So, we planned to visit Washington Dc on the way to return from Maryland University after a short visit to their Physics department. On the third week of June we started our small trip of four days.For both of us it was a small break from our usual daily life.And we enjoyed every part of it. We did a detailed trip planning and chose the spots to visit. As we were making this trip during the time of the World Cup Soccer, so we wanted to come back soon so that we don't miss much. We started Thursday, early in the morning to avoid the scorching sun and reached College Park , Maryland quarter to twelve.We didn't have much problem to find the routes because by then I had excelled in making trip plans and locating proper routes as Amit kept himself busy in driving on the busiest US highways. The journey was quite thrilling as we passed few big US east coast cities like York,Harrisburg,Baltimore and rounded them up through their beltways.We passed famous Sasquhana river on the way. We also driven through few big mountains of the Pennsylvania State.Reaching the small town College Park(nearest north suburb of Washington DC), we went straight to the Hotel Quality Inn as the suit was reserved from before by the Maryland University physics department for their coming visitor(Amit).We had our lunch at a downtown restaurant and took rest for couple of hours. Then Amit went to the University and I stayed in the hotel room, unpacked our stuffs and started watching good movies in the room television.The suit was quite big with necessary amenities for the guests .We had cable connection also and was feeling great to know that we are not going to miss the world cup soccer matches. Amit came back after dusk and we went for a brisk evening walk through the downtown. We were alerted by the university people that this town is not a very safe place after dusk so we didn't take much risk to go further. We dined in an another good American restaurant. On Friday Amit had his seminar so he left hotel just after the early morning soccer match. I took Mexican launch and started our trip planning for Washington DC on the very next day. I thoroughly checked for all the subway stations the famous visiting places in the DC mall, the distances from one another and all other necessary information. Amit called once from the university to tell that his seminar representation went very smoothly and he is quite satisfied with his speech.Amit came back after six in the evening and we made a short walking tour to the University Campus and also the downtown again. The university campus is not as big as the Penn State.We took couple of pictures of the main building. Then we came before its too dark and took rest so that we can start early tomorrow.Saturday our trip started at eight o'clock in the morning just after continental breakfast in the hotel lounge. We parked our car in the metro car parking lot of College Park subway station and took the first metro to the Washington Dc.Our first destination was US national zoo.We got down at Woodley Park subway station and walked up to the zoo and started visiting different zones.The foremost attraction was the pair of pandas.In the morning time we found them active and delightful.The elephant cub was playing with her mother,cheetah and the sumatran tiger was yawning but around ten o' clock the two lions were almost sleeping.It was a very warm and humid day.So they were practically exhausted by the heat. We had seen a lot of beautiful birds( flamingos, rare species of crane ) and different kind of apes and monkeys.We also visited the big African rhino, alligator, turtles and auters. Around eleven thirty we came out of the zoo and ate launch in a good restaurant just out side the subway station.Then after an hour of rest we got into the metro for our next destination at the national mall.We reached the union station and walked down to the famous capitol building.It's really impressive! It's made of white marble and looked like a very big version of our Victoria memorial from distance.But the new part was the reflecting pool in front of it.Then we went to the national art museum( east and west wing and also the sculpture garden).The museum was big and had a good collection of arts.The room for Picasso was really interesting.We visited two more Smithsonian Institutes.One of them was exhibiting documentary on the September 11th.Then we entered into the national historic museum.Their collection is really delightful.Four story building with many room for differ kind of collections. The museum was very much crowded.We visited the gems section, the insects section and the fossil room. There were very big structures of the different dinosaurs. It is said to be the best collection of fossils in the whole world. We also watched the IMAX theater for the first time and that is an experience of life time. We saw the movie on the Tironosaur rex.After a long walk through the mall in such a warm , humid summer day, we had very exciting time in the museum. After this we went to visit the famous Washington monument and the very popular white house. We took several pictures in the mall. Our trip ended at quarter to eight. So, after all the exhaustion in the heat, we decided to return to our hotel and took the metro to college park. We took rest, dined and slept well.On the next morning after breakfast we packed up again to start up our return journey.Amit drove so well that we reached home with in three hours. We enjoyed the capital city of the US and especially the mall and the museums. I think that is my longest ever walking tour in a such a sunny and humid day but that was charming and truly enjoyable one.

Hyner Run And Hyner View Parks

In August we were planning to go somewhere that is not very far away. And we got a chance when Ashoke da and Sumothi di planned to go somewhere for driving practice. She rented an air conditioned car for 3 days and we were accompanying them. We planned to go to Hyner Run and Hyner View Parks which were with in 2 hours distance from our city and have splendid view points. We had a nice journey there and the weather was crystal clear. We were over whelmed by the mountainous view. Four layers of mountain , the gently flowing river and greeneries under the bluest sky----that is a wonderful experience! We ate there and walked through the trail for hours. The forest was very quite and peaceful. We took several pictures and enjoyed every moments. Before dark we started our return journey.

Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania

On October first week we were planning to go somewhere to rejoice our fall memory once more. So, it was the best time to visitGrand canyon of Pennsylvania which is a very famous tourist spot. It's only about two hours journey from State College. So, on one Saturday morning we started our trip. It was one of the nicest morning I ever experienced in the US. Chilli weather with bright sun shine. Nature had already started to take wonderful colors. Trees were colorful like painted pictures. Driving is a nice experience on those roads. The scenic beauty in Grand canyon also delighted us. We took several pictures and framed them in our memory forever as we were leaving this beautiful country very soon.

More Pictures of Washington DC

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