Publications of A. Harindranath in Journals
Publications of A. Harindranath
Physical observables from boundary artifacts: scalar glueball in Yang-Mills
Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath and
Jyotirmoy Maiti, JHEP 1602, (2016) 134
Correlation and localization properties of topological charge density and
the pseudoscalar glueball mass in SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory,
Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath and
Jyotirmoy Maiti, Phys. Rev. D 91, 074507 (2015).
Open Boundary Condition, Wilson Flow and the Scalar Glueball Mass,
Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath and
Jyotirmoy Maiti, JHEP 1406 (2014) 067
Topological susceptibility in lattice Yang-Mills theory with open boundary
condition, Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath,
Jyotirmoy Maiti and Pushan Majumdar, JHEP 1402 (2014) 045
On transverse spin sum rules,
A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu and Asmita Mukherjee, Phys. Lett. B728
63 (2014)
- Comment on "Proton Spin Structure from Measurable
Parton Distributions",
A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, Asmita Mukherjee and
Raghunath Ratabole, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 039102 (2013)
- Pion and nucleon in two flavour QCD with unimproved
Wilson fermion,
Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, Sangita De Sarkar, A. Harindranath,
Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal and Anwesa Sarkar, Nucl. Phys. B
871 (2013) 82
Exploring autocorrelations in two-flavour Wilson Lattice QCD using
DD-HMC algorithm,
Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, Sangita De Sarkar, A. Harindranath,
Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal and Anwesa Sarkar,
Comput.Phys.Commun. 184 (2013)
Many avatars of the Wilson fermion: A perturbative analysis,
Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath,
Jyotirmoy Maiti and Santanu Mondal, JHEP 1302
(2013) 037
Topological charge density correlator in Lattice QCD with two flavours of
unimproved Wilson fermions,
Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, A. Harindranath,
Jyotirmoy Maiti and Santanu Mondal, JHEP 1211 (2012) 029
- Topological susceptibility in Lattice QCD with
unimproved Wilson fermions,
Abhishek Chowdhury, Asit K. De, Sangita De Sarkar, A. Harindranath, Santanu
Mondal, Anwesa Sarkar and Jyotirmoy Maiti,
Phys. Lett. B707 228 (2012)
arXiv:1110.6013v2 [hep-lat]
- Effect of r averaging on Chiral Anomaly in Lattice
QCD with Wilson Fermion: Finite volume and cutoff effects,
Asit K. De, A. Harindranath, Santanu Mondal,
JHEP 1107, 117 (2011).
arXiv:1105.0762v2 [hep-lat]
- Hamiltonian light-front field theory in a basis
function approach, J.P. Vary, H. Honkanen, Jun Li, P. Maris,
S.J. Brodsky, A. Harindranath, G.F. de Teramond,
P. Sternberg, E.G. Ng, C. Yang,
Phys. Rev. C 81, 035205 (2010).
arXiv:0905.1411 []nucl-th]
- Chiral Anomaly in Lattice QCD with Twisted Mass
Wilson Fermion, Asit K. De, A. Harindranath, Santanu Mondal,
Phys. Lett. B682, 150 (2009).
arXiv:0910.5611v1 [hep-lat] .
Hadron Optics in Three-Dimensional Invariant Coordinate Space from Deeply
Virtual Compton Scattering,
S.J. Brodsky, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, A. Mukherjee, J.P.
Phys.Rev. D 75 ,
014003, (2007).
Hadron optics: Diffraction patterns in deeply virtual Compton scattering,
S.J. Brodsky, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, A. Mukherjee, J.P. Vary,
Phys.Lett. B641, 440, (2006).
Topological charge in 1+1 dimensional lattice phi4 theory,
Asit K. De, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Tilak Sinha, Phys. Rev.
D 72, 094504 (2005).
Investigations in 1+1 dimensional lattice phi4 theory
, Asit K. De, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Tilak Sinha, Phys. Rev.
D 72, 094503 (2005).
A Transition in the Spectrum of the Topological Sector of
phi42 Theory
at Strong Coupling,
Dipankar Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath and James P.
Vary, Phys. Rev. D 71, 125012 (2005).
Ab Initio Results for the Broken Phase of Scalar Light Front Field
Dipankar Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, Lubomir Martinovic, Grigorii B.
Pivovarov and James P.
Phys. Lett. B 617, 92 (2005).
Kinks in Discrete Light Cone Quantization,
Dipankar Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, Lubomir Martinovic and James P. Vary,
Phys. Lett. B 582 , 196 (2004).
A Study of Quark -Antiquark States in Transverse Lattice QCD Using
Alternative Fermion Formulations,
Dipankar Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, and James P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 69 , 034502 (2004).
Fermions on the Light Front Transverse Lattice,
Dipankar Chakrabarti, Asit K. De, A. Harindranath,
Phys. Rev. D 67 076004 (2003).
Perturbative S-matrix in Discretized Light Cone Quantization
of two-dimensional phi^4 theory ,
A. Harindranath, L. Martinovic and J.P. Vary,
Phys. Lett. B 536 , 250 (2002).
- Mesons in (2+1) dimensional Light front QCD.II:
Similarity Renormalization Approach
Dipankar Chakrabarti and A. Harindranath, Phys. Rev. D 65
045001 (2002).
Mesons in Light front QCD_ 2+1 : Investigation of
a Bloch Effective Hamiltonian,
Dipankar Chakrabarti and A. Harindranath, Phys. Rev. D 64
105002 (2001).
Transverse Spin in QCD: Radiative
A. Harindranath, Asmita Mukherjee, Raghunath Ratabole,
Phys. Rev. D 63
045006 (2001).
Compactification near and on the Light
A. Harindranath, L. Martinovic, and J.P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 62
105015 (2000).
A Numerical Experiment in DLCQ: Microcausality, Continuum Limit and
all that, Dipankar Chakrabarti, Asmita Mukherjee, Rajen Kundu, and A.
Phys. Lett. B 480, 409 (2000).
Transverse Spin in QCD and Transverse Polarized Deep Inelastic
Scattering, A. Harindranath, Asmita Mukherjee and Raghunath Ratabole,
Phys. Lett. B 476 , 471 (2000).
Deep Inelastic
Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD: Radiative Corrections, A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, and Wei-Min Zhang,
Phys. Rev. D 59, 094013 (1999).
Deep Inelastic
Structure Functions in Light-Front QCD: A Unified Description of
Perturbative and Nonperturbative Dynamics, A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, and Wei-Min Zhang,
Phys. Rev. D 59 , 094012 (1999).
Twist Four Longitudinal Structure Function in
Light-Front QCD,
A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, Asmita Mukherjee and James P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 58, 114022 (1998).
On Orbital Angular Momentum in
Deep Inelastic Scattering, A. Harindranath and Rajen Kundu, Phys. Rev. D 59, 116013 (1999).
Citation Search
Utility of Galilean Symmetry in
Light-Front Perturbation Theory: A Non-Trivial Example in QCD,
A. Harindranath and Rajen Kundu,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 13, 4591 (1998).
Sum Rule for the Twist
Four Longitudinal Structure Function,
A. Harindranath, Rajen Kundu, Asmita Mukherjee and James P. Vary,
Phys. Lett. B417, 361 (1998).
Examination of
Wandzura-Wilczek Relation for
g2(x,Q2) in Perturbative
A. Harindranath and Wei-Min Zhang,
Phys. Lett. B408, 347 (1997).
On the Matrix Element of the
Transverse Component of the Bilocal Vector Current and its Parton
Interpretation, A. Harindranath and Wei-Min Zhang, Phys. Lett. B390, 359 (1997).
Nonperturbative QCD: A Weak Coupling Treatment
on the Light Front,
K.G. Wilson, T.S. Walhout, A. Harindranath, W.-M. Zhang, R.J. Perry,
and St. D. G lazek, Phys. Rev. D49, 6720 (1994).
Citation Search
Light-front QCD: III.
Coupling constant renormalization, A. Harindranath and W.-M. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D48, 4903 (1993).
Light-front QCD: II. Two-component
theory, W.-M. Zhang and A. Harindranath, Phys. Rev. D48, 4881 (1993).
Citation Search
Light-front QCD: Role of
longitudinal boundary integrals, W.-M. Zhang and
A. Harindranath, Phys. Rev. D48, 4868 (1993).
Citation Search
Residual gauge fixing in
light-front QCD, W.-M. Zhang and A. Harindranath, Phys. Lett. B314, 223 (1993).
On the relativistic bound state problem in
the light front Yukawa model, St. G
azek, A. Harindranath, S. Pinsky, J. Shigemitsu, and K. Wilson,
Phys. Rev. D47, 1599 (1993).
Citation Search
Bound state problem in light front Tamm-Dancoff: A numerical study
in 1+1 dimensions, A. Harindranath, R. J. Perry, and J. Shigemitsu,
Phys. Rev. D46, 4580 (1992).
Dilepton production by protons on nuclei and the partonic origin of
depletion at small momentum fraction, K. E. Lassila, U. P. Sukhatme, A. Harindranath, and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. C44, 1188 (1991).
Renormalization in the light front Tamm-Dancoff approach to
field theory, R. J. Perry and A. Harindranath,
Phys. Rev. D43, 4051 (1991).
TOPCITE=50+ Citation Search
Lowest order mass corrections for Yukawa1+1 in light front
perturbation theory, A. Harindranath and R. J. Perry,
Phys. Rev. D43, 492 (1991).
Light front Tamm-Dancoff field theory, R. J. Perry, A. Harindranath
and K. G. Wilson,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2959 (1990).
TOPCITE=100+ Citation Search
Quark cluster model for deep
inelastic lepton-deuteron scattering,
G. Yen, J.P. Vary, A. Harindranath and H.J. Pirner,
Phys. Rev. C42,
1665 (1990).
How useful is the concept of y scaling?, G. Yen, A. Harindranath,
J. P. Vary, and H. J. Pirner,
Phys. Lett. B218, 408 (1989).
Variational calculation of the spectrum of
in light
front field theory, A. Harindranath and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D
37, 3010 (1988).
Stability of the vacuum in scalar field models in 1+1
dimensions, A. Harindranath, and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 37, 1076 (1988).
Light front Hamiltonian approach to relativistic two and three body
bound state problem in 1+1 dimensions,
A. Harindranath and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 37, 1064 (1988).
Solving phi^4_2 by discretized light front quantization,
A.Harindranath and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 36, 1141 (1987).
TOPCITE=50+ Citation Search
Electroproduction of hadrons from nuclei, A. Harindranath,
K. E. Lassila, and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 36, 299 (1987).
Quark cluster model predictions for the nuclear
Drell-Yan process, A. Harindranath and J. P. Vary,
Phys. Rev. D 34, 3378 (1986).
An effective interaction for relativistic mean field theories of
nuclear structure, H. B. Ai, L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, and
C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 35, 2299 (1987).
Sum rules for the longitudinal response in inclusive
electron scattering, L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, and C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 33, 1012 (1986).
Distribution of charge and matter in nuclei:
Charge density difference of
206Pb and 205Tl, L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, and C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 32, 2173 (1985).
Quark effects in nuclear
longitudinal response functions,
L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, C. M. Shakin, and A. Rosenthal,
Phys. Rev. C 32, 650 (1985).
Effects of medium - modified form factors in quasi elastic
electron scattering from 12C, L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath,
and C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 32, 248 (1985).
Quark effects in the charge
distribution of 208Pb, L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, C. M. Shakin, and A.Rosenthal,
Phys. Rev. C 31, 1944 (1985).
Evidence for the modification of nucleon properties
in nuclei from traditional nuclear physics experiments,
L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, A. Rosenthal, and C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 31, 946 (1985).
Microscopic foundations of Dirac
L. S. Celenza, A. Harindranath, and C. M. Shakin,
Phys. Rev. C 31, 63 (1985).
Lecture Notes
- An Introduction to Light-Front Dynamics for
Pedestrians, A. Harindranath, in Light-Front Quantization and Non-Perturbative QCD,
edited by James P. Vary and Frank Woelz, published and distributed by
International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Ames, I.A.,
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
- Light-Front QCD: Present Status, A. Harindranath, Indian J.
Phys. 72A, 635 (1998). High-energy physics. Proceedings, 12th DAE
Symposium, Gauhati, India, December 26, 1996-January 1, 1997. Part 1.
- Parton Model from Field Theory: the Good, the
Bad, and the Terrible,
A. Harindranath, in Theory of Hadrons and Light-Front QCD, St.
D. G
azek (ed.), World Scientific, Singapore (1995).
A. Harindranath