Inelastic Neutron Scattering.
is important to know about the dynamics of the system to predict the behavior
of the materials along with its structure. Inelastic Neutron Scattering is one
of the most sensitive methods to study the dynamics of the condensed matter
systems. Liquid Deuterium and liquid Hydrogen were studied using this method.
The experiments were performed in ISIS,
Nanocomposite Material Synthesis.
Composite nano-phase materials have been prepared using physico-chemical routes. The metal and the semiconductor particles of few nanometre diameter have been prepared in citu in suitably chosen host matrix. Polymer, conventional melt quenched glass and sol gel derived glasses were chosen as the host. A synthetic chemistry laboratory equipped with Chemical and Gas handling facility, High temperature furnace, Hot press, Room temperature press, Ultrasonic agitator, etc. was used for the purpose. Following is the list of prepared materials leading to the significant publications.
(a) Metallic silver (nano) in Poly(acrylamide) matrix.
(b) PbS (nano) in Poly(acrylamide) matrix.
(c) PbS (nano) in melt quenched glass matrix.
(d) Pure PbS (nano) in a wide range of size.
(e) Metallic silver (nano) in melt quenched glass matrix.
(f) Fe2O3 (nano) in sol-gel derived SiO2 glass matrix.
(g) Fe 2 O3 (nano) in sol-gel derived TiO2 glass matrix.
(h) PbS (nano) in sol-gel derived PZT matrix.
Dielectric Spectroscopy.
A sol-gel derived PZT matrix was doped with nanocrystalline PbS particles (sample (h)). The particle size was estimated using TEM and XRD. The modification of the dielectric behavior of the system was studied using dielectric spectroscopy.
EPR, Magnetic and M�ssbauer Spectroscopy .
Sol gel glass is a good host for the nano materials. a-Fe2O3 was doped in sol-gel derived SiO2 and TiO2 matrix at room and high temperature. The sample (f) and (g) were studied using DTA-TGA, TEM, XRD, EPR, Magnetic and M�ssbauer Spectroscopy. The modification of the composite solgel system with temperature and the super paramagnetic behaviour of the nano a-Fe2O3 were studied.
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy.
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS) is one of the best methods to study the defects in a system. Sample (a) and (e) are studied using TEM, XRD and PAS. at room and low temperature. The nano metals show a metal to semiconductor like transition at very low temperatures. This was the first observation of this kind.
TEM, XRD and Electrical Measurements .
Sample (a), (b), (c) and (d) are studied using Electronic Microscopy (TEM & SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical resistivity measurements in a wide range of temperature. The size and size distribution of the nano particles were estimated using TEM and XRD. A fractal morphology and phonon softening was found for the metal particles. For the PbS nano particles an increase of electronic band gap was measured.
Gauge Potential And
potential plays an important role in the fundamental development of Quantum
Mechanics. We have performed some calculations to study the nature of
Relativistic Charge Transfer Scattering.
Relativistic charge transfer scattering calculations were performed under the first Born approximation. A relativistic hydrogen atom type wave function were used for the ions. This was the first relativistic calculation to estimate the effect of inclusion of the inter nuclear interaction in the potential.
Positron-Hydrogen Molecule Scattering.
The computer code was modified to take into account of the rotational degrees of freedoms for the molecules. This was the first rotational close coupling calculation including the excitation channel.
Positron (Electron)-Hydrogen Atoms Scattering.
Ab initio quantum mechanical calculations were performed to predict the differential and total cross sections for positron and electron hydrogen atom scattering. Positronium formation channel was included for the first time to predict the reliable results. Analytical calculations involving use of various mathematical functions (viz., Angular momentum algebra, Bessel, Spherical harmonics, Legendre functions of different kinds etc.) were performed to reduce the dimensionality of the integrals. A large computer code was developed in Fortran language under UNIX to solve a multy channel coupled integral equation.